Thank you for your interest in becoming a board member and helping us fulfill our mission of transforming girls’ lives through musical excellence!
BOARD MEMBER COMMITMENTS: As our most dedicated volunteers, Board Members at GCSF take on active and participatory roles in our choir’s operations and programs. We offer many opportunities for hands-on engagement, and we rely upon our Board Members’ passion, drive, and initiative to achieve our organizational goals.
The primary responsibilities of Board Members are:
- Attend (and come prepared to) Board Meetings: The Girl Choir of South Florida holds monthly Board meetings that members are required to attend. Additionally, the Board meets for a mandatory annual planning retreat and for special meetings throughout the year as necessary. In preparation for productive and effective meetings, Board Members are expected to review all distributed agenda items and relevant materials.
- Participate in GCSF activities, events, and concerts: GCSF Board Members should not be strangers to our families, singers, staff, and volunteers. We expect Board Members to visit rehearsals and to be present and active in the organization’s events, fundraisers, and performances.
- Fundraise: A minimum annual contribution of $500 is required each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). This is a “give or get” commitment, meaning Board Members can make a donation directly or can raise the required amount for the organization. Contributions may be made in installments. Additional contributions are encouraged in the form of in-kind products, expertise for a service the organization would otherwise need to purchase, finding sponsors or others to donate to meet financial obligations, and other opportunities for support.
- Bring in new audience members, choristers, volunteers, and potential Board Members: Board Members contribute to the growth of the organization’s reach and scope in the community by inviting new audience members to attend concerts and performances, and in recruiting new singers and advocating to teachers and others that work with youth about GCSF’s programs. Additionally, Board Members identify and recommend qualified candidates for the Board and for other volunteer or staff positions within the organization.
- Promote GCSF and its mission in the community and in your network: Board Members are advocates for the organization’s mission, values, and programs throughout the community. As such, they are expected to promote GCSF in their professional and social networks, and be positive and active representatives of the choir.
If you are interested in applying to join our Board, please fill out and submit the short application below. Email if you need assistance or have any questions or concerns.
The Girl Choir of South Florida is an organization with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion in our membership, staff, volunteers, and on our Board. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status.
Applications from members of all underrepresented groups are encouraged.